The variety of the project’s partnership (IME GSEVEE, D.YP.A., EOPPEP, LD, ENM, Odisee vzw, EVTA, UDJG) allows ENTRnet project to address a wide audience and to establish a dialogue with a different set of stakeholders in order to have a more powerful impact.
All collaborating partners are closely involved in the establishment of new national or regional networks of adult education providers, and facilitate their involvement in European cooperation.

Small Enterprises’ Institute of Hellenic Confederation of Professionals Craftsmen & Merchants (IME GSEVEE)
Small Enterprises Institute of GSEVEE (IME GSEVEE) is the Research Institute of GSEVEE (Hellenic Confederation of Professionals Craftsmen and Merchants) who is a national social partner in Greece representing employers in micro, small and medium enterprises and self- employed professionals in manufacture, trade and service business sectors.
IME GSEVEE has a great experience in a) planning and implementing Life Long Learning and Counselling Activities, b) conducting studies on several SMEs-targeted issues, such as entrepreneurship, innovation and clustering, needs’ identification etc. More specific, IME GSEVEE has been participated in many relevant national and European projects in the past related with the adult learning and entrepreneurship.

Public Employment Service Greece (D.YP.A.)
DYPA (former OAED) is the Greek Public Employment Service, a public entity supervised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. It is the main body responsible for implementing governmental policies for promoting employment and combating unemployment, in accordance with EU-level guidelines and Greece’s National Employment StrategyThe main objectives of DYPA are: promoting employment, overseeing unemployment insurance and social protection, maternity allowance, vocational education and training, managing Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) for combating unemployment, and promoting employment and vocational training (VET, apprenticeships, workplace training) for both unemployed and employed individuals in accordance with their specific needs.

National Agency for Microcredit (ENM)
The Italian National Agency for Microcredit is the public body in charge of all the relevant functions, the supervision and the regulation in the sector of microcredit and microfinance at a national and international level. The activity of the National Agency is oriented to support initiatives aimed at promoting the development of microenterprise and self-employment, the fight against poverty and the financial inclusion of those social categories defined as “non-bankable” due to the lack or absence of guarantees to offer to the traditional banking system. For this purpose, the Agency developed a branched organisation over time, allowing it to oversee all the national territory and to cover a broad spectrum of production chains.

The European Vocational Training Association – EVTA, is a leading European network in the field of Vocational Education and Training, representing VET providers across Europe. Established in Belgium in 1998 as an International No-Profit Association (AISBL), EVTA is the result of the cooperation between VET providers from different EU countries in the framework of the Euroqualification project.
EVTA focuses on the development of VET within the framework outlined by Europe 2020, through: enhancing of the quality of VET, promoting the cooperation of VET providers/businesses, providing specific expertise, disseminating the work-based VET approach, cooperating in the European dialogue involving institutions, stakeholders, social partners, and training providers.

National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)
EOPPEP is an all-encompassing national body, investing in enhancing quality and efficiency of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Lifelong Learning (LLL) in Greece. Operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs. EOPPEP Governance Board (BoD) comprises representatives of Education and Labour Ministries and of Social Partners. EOPPEP is one of the main pillars of the inclusive reform of VET & LLL of the Hellenic Republic. It is represented in the Central Council for VET (KSEEK) and plays an active role in all key policies related to VET & LLL. It is also the national reference/contact point of the European Networks that administer qualification issues and European transparency and mobility tools. (EQF, EQAVET, EUROPASS, EUROGUIDANCE, REFERNET, and ELGPN)

LD operates as a Digital Competence Centre, empowering individuals and organisations in using new technologies in their learning and human resources management workflows.
LD supports companies and training providers in the adoption of microcredentials, by delivering web platforms issuing credentials as NFTs in blockchain.
LD provides e-learning solutions for energy trading companies, developing skills and promoting awareness on energy efficiency, renewable energy, electric mobility, solutions for smart cities and sustainable development.
In the field of teacher training and continuous professional development for trainers, LD develops educational resources and training provisions, in cooperation with the online university of the Italian Ministry of Education.

Odisee vzw
The University of Applied Sciences Odisee is an institution for higher education in Belgium. The campuses of the educational institutions are dynamic centres of education, research, development and service to the community. They are located in the centre of Belgium, on the axis Brussels, Aalst, Ghent, Sint-Niklaas.
Odisee has a strong international focus with a flourishing participation of students and staff in exchange programmes. Odisee offers 25 bachelor’s programmes in seven study fields: Business, Digital, Social, Education, Environment, Health and Technology. Also eight graduate programmes are offered, all of which are very practice-oriented at the university of applied sciences, which bridge the gap between secondary education and a bachelor’s programmes. Currently almost 10.000 students are studying and more than 1.000 employees are working at Odisee.

Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din GALATI (UDJG)
University “Dunărea de Jos” of Galați (UDJG) is a higher education institution, the most important in the South-Eastern Region of Romania. UDJG offers study programs from bachelor to PhD in engineering, economy, and social sciences through fourteen faculties and provides a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs for over 13,000 enrolled students.
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT), as a component of the UDJG offers bachelor, master and PhD degrees in IT and computing. In addition, teachers, and researchers in the CSIT Department collaborate with local and national companies in order to contribute to digital transformation and sustainability at local and regional level, but also to improve competences and upgrading qualification of the teachers and of the trainers involved in adult and continuing education.
Moreover, a significant number of associated partners supports ENTRnet project such as:
Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (GR)
National Qualifications Authority (RO)
Alphabet Formation (BE)
Confindustria Piemonte (IT)
Agence pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes (Afpa) (FR)