Specific Objectives
ENTRNET’s specific objective is to foster the European co-operation among different adult providers and relevant stakeholders in specific themes related to adult learning, such as entrepreneurship. The project seeks to mainstream entrepreneurship across Europe by establishing a platform attractive for a wide range of actors and stakeholders.
In this way, ENTRENET aspires to develop a new pathway for enhancing collaboration at National and European level in order to support adult education providers to improve their capacity to provide to all young adults with an emphasis in disadvantaged and difficult-to-engage groups, inactive and the unemployed youngsters, high quality entrepreneurial adult education, and entrepreneurial mind-set and skills.
Moreover, a plan of activities will be implemented to contribute to the creation of a learning pathway built on the basis of the needs of individuals and organizations coming from different national contexts, with the objective of creating more learning or upskilling opportunities for the target group needs.
Last but not least, ENTRNET aims to transfer the field/level of entrepreneurial adult learning into the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp); the framework that, according to EU Commission, offers a comprehensive description of entrepreneurial competences, defined as: The capacity to act upon opportunities and ideas, and transform them into value for others. The value that is created can be financial, cultural or social.
National Networks
ENTRNET project encourages the Establishment of National Networks of Adult Education Providers in Greece, Italy, Belgium and Romania in order to improve their capacity to provide to all young adults high quality education in the field of entrepreneurship. The main goal of this phase is the establishment and operation of 4 National Networks in each participating country.
European Cooperation
ENTRNET project fosters the European co-operation among Adult Education Providers and their National Networks in order to transfer Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) principles into entrepreneurial adult learning. The main goal of this phase is the development and operation of an e-networking /learning platform at European level.
Action Plans
ENTRNET project supports the development of National Action Plans to promote networking among adult education providers containing concrete and replicable methodology and learning opportunities and foreseeing a transnational co-operation. The main goal of this phase is to promote the networking and cooperation capacity of adult education providers at national and transnational level.
Online learning
ENTRNET enables the development of e-learning modules in the fielf of entrepreneurship offering open educational resources to improve training based on EntreComp Framework. The main goal of this phase is to enhance adult education providers’ capacity to provide to all young adults, and especially those with fewer opportunities, high quality entrepreneurial education.