On 23 January 2023, ENTRnet’s partner from Greece DYPA, promoted ENTRnet project in the webinar with topic “Planning and running a sustainable business” which was organized by Stratigon Finance (in cooperation with DAS) in the framework of the “Enter4All” programme. The presentation was given in the context of the Greek National Network of Adult Education Providers in the field of Entrepreneurship and the open courses with a focus on the “Young Entrepreneurship” course.
The focus of the webinar was on unemployed persons interested in starting a business and Adult Education Providers in the field of Entrepreneurship (STRATIGON FINANCE, KEMEL, DAS).
Main aim of the presentation was to:
- Raise awareness on the ENTRNET programme, with a focus on the module “Young Entrepreneurship”
- Promote the Greek National Network of Adult Education Providers in the field of Entrepreneurship
- Promote of the ENTRECOMP tool
After the online event and the engagement of the audience, a number of unemployed people is expected to use the ENTRNET platform and enroll in the Entrepreneurship courses as well as a number of bodies are likely to become members of the Greek National Network of Adult Education Providers in the field of Entrepreneurship.