“Develop National Networks of Adult Education Providers in the field of Entrepreneurship”
National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)
A focus group meeting was held in the premises of EOPPEP, on 26.05.2022, with the aim of discussing the findings of the Learning Needs Analysis Survey, which was implemented in the framework of Erasmus + Key Action 3 – Support for policy reform, Social Inclusion and Common Values, EACEA/34/2019, the contribution in the field of education and training, in terms of WP 3: Promoting networking among adult education providers in Entrepreneurship, of the aproved proposal “Develop National Networks of Adult Education Providers in the field of Entrepreneurship” – ENTRnet”.
In the focus group a number of representatives from the following European networks participated: a) the National Centre for Euroguidance, b) the REFERNET National Reference Point, c) the National Centre for Euroguidance, d) Europass AG, d) EQAVET National Reference Point and e) the National Contact Point for EQF.
Main results of the discussion that followed the presentation of Learning Needs Analysis can be summarized as:
- There is complementarity between the needs of the labour market and the needs of trainees, concerning the integration of the principles of entrepreneurship in VET curricula.
- It is considered very important to have input from the labour market
- Entrepreneurship is recognized as a “transversal skill”, both by trainees and trainers, in all participating countries
- Trainees in particular, value, the necessity of learning through experience/in-company (WBL), while teachers/trainers seem to evaluate the development of self-consciousness skills
- Furthermore, specifying the scope of enterpreneurial skills in adult education, it was underlined that the EntrComp Competence Framework is a framework of principles for the acquisition of transversal Entrepreneurial skills and competences by Adult Educators aiming to:
a) raising awareness of trainers on issues of entrepreneurship
b) the inclusion of modules related to enterpreneurial development in training programs
c) the acquisition of generic competences by trainers, in order to support the development of entrepreneurial skills
Finally, regarding validation and recognition of entrepreneurial skills, it was underlined that:
- The process of training in entrepreneurial skills would be useful to result in some form of recognition and validation of the acquired learning outcomes
- The recognition/validation process could be facilitated either in the format of micro credentials or digital credentials, in the context of digital Europass